What does being obese really mean? When the amount of fat stored in a human body endangers that person's health, he/she is said to be obese. Currently the United States is leading the world with the highest percentage of overweight population. Over thirty percent of Americans, age 15 and up, struggle with their weight. That means that approximately one in three Americans is overweight. However, instead of looking at our eating habits, we often blame heredity or glandular imbalance for our obesity. Two main reasons behind obesity are poor diet and low activity level. People who suffer from diabetes consume more calories than they burn. In today's inactive society, most people spend their time in front of a TV or a computer. And as we watch TV, we are often enticed by sugar loaded advisements during the commercial brakes. This combination of TV ads and inactivity leads to astronomical weight gain. And what is worse is that we pass these bad lifestyle habits onto our children. Obe...